A law school equipping students to fight for justice - superhero cape and tights not included.

Trinity Law School
It seems like just about every client wants to stand out. Afterall, isn't that the point of marketing? To rise above the crowd so your potential customers will take notice? Trinity Law School wanted the same thing, except what caught our attention is that they had a purpose behind that desire... a greater purpose. They want to be more than an average law school, there are hundreds of those. They want potential students to see that they are a distinctively Christian law school helping their students fulfill their calling. The call to justice in a world filled with injustices, whether that's a social injustice, human trafficking, religious injustices, persecution of faith or domestic injustices.

We wanted potential students to stop and take notice. This oversized brochure, or view book, is anything but a stuffy conservative Christian publication. We wanted the content to be bold yet informative. Simple clear communication seems to be rare in academia, the norm tends to be: how much can we fit on a page. The team at Trinity were a huge support in removing superfluous content that got in the way of our goal - communicate what is Trinity about pave the way for easy application into the program.

Brochures with a Purpose

It's time to arm your brand with a clear story and compelling design.